Kamis, 26 Desember 2013


                Mangoes are dicotile plants, they are scientifically classified as Mangifera Indica. They are frits that grow in tropical regions throughout the world, as in Indonesia. The frits area an excellent source of vitamin A an vitamin C.

                Mangoes have differences in size, taste, colour and shape. Their varieties are about 6-26 cm leght. The manioes have a smooth skin, have a fibrous or unfibrous fruit flesh and have a hard inner pit.
                There are many varieties of mangoes, popular especially in Indonesia, namely: gadung, golek, madu, manalagi, arumanis, jaran etc. Gadung mango has its popularity, because its taste is sweet and delicious.
                 Mango trees are usually planted in front or back of houses. Cultivating mangoes are not too difficult. They are can be planted by a seed, grafting, and many other methods.

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